Connecticut VARA
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Welcome to Connecticut's Valley Amateur Radio Association (VARA)

Pay Dues Online

New members can sign up here

Current Members: Please use this donate button to make the $20 dues payment.

Current Senior Citizen Members: Please use this donate button to make the $10 dues payment. New senior members can sign up here.

Repeater Fund: VARA operates and maintains a repeater for public use. To help cover equipment and operational costs, we ask you to make a donation to our repeater fund. Thank you for your support.

The Valley Amateur Radio Association is a local ARRL affiliated club made up of a diverse group of people that share a common interest, Amateur Radio. VARA is a public-service oriented group with the call sign W1VAR. Our meetings are held the third Friday of each month (except July, August, and December) at 7:30PM. If you have an interest in Amateur Radio, you are more than welcome to join us. We often have interesting speakers giving short presentations at each meeting. Members and non-members are welcome. Contact us to get the address or Zoom link and meet the group.

Be sure to join us on our weekly net at 8PM every Tuesday to find out more about the club. Click here to see our repeater page for 2M net information.

The members of VARA are citizens who enjoy Amateur Radio from all backgrounds and levels of expertise. We are committed to helping local authorities, communities, and organizations with any and all their radio related needs. Whether it's consulting local police departments or organizing communications for races and rallies, VARA is dedicated to supporting the public needs. If you have an interest in helping out your local community, please contact us for more information.

Club Constitution & Bylaws as of May 2024: View PDF here

Field Day - Click here for more images.

© 2024